The Spirit
Monthly news magazine of the Anglican Diocese of Bendigo. March 2025 issue now available... Learn more...

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Proin non sodales orci. Fusce accumsan ultricies congue. Morbi vehicula neque at ex tempor, sit amet rhoncus lorem posuere. Sed mattis neque nunc, sit amet condimentum purus dignissim quis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras fermentum id ipsum ac tempus. Etiam ac risus ac nisl porttitor pharetra et in velit. Nulla ut mollis mauris. Suspendisse finibus nibh mauris, et semper metus facilisis ac.
Phasellus sed egestas tellus, at congue est. Pellentesque aliquam mi eget rhoncus rhoncus. Nam a nibh metus. Nulla dictum libero sit amet diam tristique, non facilisis tellus dapibus. Morbi sed augue sed est aliquet mattis. Sed sed justo et odio elementum cursus ac ac ex. Nullam ac diam egestas ipsum dapibus hendrerit. Mauris sed eleifend nulla. Quisque sed ipsum a metus euismod faucibus eu posuere ligula. Vivamus in felis vestibulum, tincidunt mauris nec, fermentum massa.
16 Days of Healing Through Prayer Tuesday November 26 2024
The 16 Days of Activism is an opportunity to revitalise commitments to change and to call for accountability and action from decision-makers. The Anglican Diocese of Bendigo in partnership with Mothers Union are supporting churches and individuals to participate in this vital movement.
Sheepy Goes to Sydney Sunday December 01 2024
Recently Sheepy and our Registrar Sarah were invited to go to Sydney to meet with the Anglican Safe Ministry Commission. The Commission had heard about the Safe Church Box initiative and were keen to see the resource in person so it can be shared with other dioceses and churches across the Anglican Church in Australia.
Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Infant Loss Remembrance Services Tuesday October 15 2024
The remembrance service creates a safe space for anyone whose life has been impacted by miscarriage, stillbirth and infant loss to come together to reflect, grieve and remember the ongoing love they have for their babies, and to be comforted by the God who suffers with us.
PALM Workers 'Pop Up' Church Thursday December 12 2024
It was a hot afternoon in February 2024 when I attended the arrival briefing for 49 men and women from Vanuatu. They had come to work in the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility Scheme. Shaking in my boots and trying to hide it from them I introduced myself, explaining that my role was to help them stay connected to their Christian faith whatever denomination they attended in their home country.
Monthly news magazine of the Anglican Diocese of Bendigo. March 2025 issue now available... Learn more...